We have policies to streamline and improve the learning process for everyone.
All students should download the studio policy by clicking the link below. Please read it, print out, and return the signed portion to me.
Students are responsible for bringing the following items with them to each lesson:
• All music & books they are currently using
• Assignment notebook & binder containing any handouts I may give them.
• Clean hands and clipped nails
• An open and willing mind
The following items are strongly recommended to have and use at home:
• Flashcards (for new students) Digital versions are free!
• Access to SoundCloud and YouTube, preferably through a mobile device
• Metronome
• Nail clippers
• Supportive parent(s)
Please be on time for your lesson and when picking up your child. If a student arrives late, they will finish only their remaining lesson time Please do not arrive more than 5 min. before your lesson time or pick your child up more than 5 min. late.
• Students are expected to practice from 20 to 75+ minutes a day, depending on their level and the number of pieces they are studying. At least 5-10 minutes, or 15% of the practice time, should be devoted to rhythm and aural reading practice which should be done AWAY from the piano. Yes, there is such a thing as quiet practice.
• Set aside a permanent time for practicing. It is much easier to develop a HABIT when this is done.
• If you have been assigned specific areas of focus, I expect to see tally marks or other physical evidence indicating the number of times that assignment was done.
• I will provide make-up lessons in cases of genuine illness or emergency - - scheduling conflicts, sports and extra curricular events do not qualify for make-ups. If the teacher has to cancels a lesson, it will be rescheduled at the earliest possible time.
• Make-up lessons will be made at my discretion and may involve having a longer lesson if time permits
• Tuition is $145 per month for 3/4 hour lessons and $180 per month for 1 hour lessons. 1 hour lessons are recommended for students playing at Level 5 or higher.
• This tuition is for 4 lessons per month, 3 private and one group* lesson.
* see me regarding group lessons
• Adult students, private consults or coaching sessions are given in 1 hr. blocks only. Rate is $55/hr.
• This is a set monthly tuition and is not pro-rated or refunded. As with other institutions (i.e. dance or gymnastics studios, college, etc.) tuition is payable whether or not the student attends.
• Tuition is due the first lesson of each month. A $10.00 late fee per student will be charged for every week a payment is late.
• There is a yearly registration/materials fee of $50. This fee enables me to provide students with loaner music, incentives and rewards, recital awards, theory games, music library materials, handouts, etc. Additionally, it helps defer the cost of renting high quality recital halls for my semi-annual studio recitals.
• All PMTA events have their own registration fees and will be collected on an individual basis.
• My Music Library offers the students a chance to play from a variety of books without having to purchase them. Any borrowed music that is not returned or is returned damaged will be charged to the student at its replacement cost.
• A 30-day notice is required before termination of lessons.
• Photography and/or videos of students may be taken during various events and performances. These may be used at the discretion of the teacher for advertising materials, lesson demonstrations and studio owned websites.
As a teacher, I have also set some goals. They are:
• Aural training. I will be using aural exercises during lesson time. I expect each student to "sing along" with their pieces, regardless of the level. We will find that beautiful melody and make it surface.
• Sight Reading. It is my goal to put as much emphasis on sight reading skills as on memory work. I created a special Sight Reading binder with over 15 levels of sight reading examples. Once they have learned the basics of reading music, all students must sight read from this binder at their lessons. I will keep track of their level of accuracy so their progress can be monitored.
• Memory work. I will be using Memory trees, incentives, mini-recitals and performances throughout the year to achieve this. It is my hope that this will better prepare everyone for the Fall and Spring Recitals, Piano Ensemble, Sonatina/Jazz Festivals, or any of the other wonderful performance opportunities in which students may wish to participate.
• Theory. I hope to have all of my student's theory knowledge at the same level as they are playing. Workbooks, check-lists and some written tests will be given to establish their working knowledge of theory.
• A genuine love of music. This, of course, is the most important goal of all. I recognize that only a small percentage of music students continue their studies to college or beyond. However, it is my goal that all of my students will go through life with a genuine appreciation of fine and beautiful music. They will understand how music works, why it has to have form and substance, and will appreciate some of the amazing history behind the piano and its great composers. Above all, I hope they will have the desire to share this love with others so good music will continue to be created, shared and enjoyed by all.